Amsterdam - 14th of November 2021 - by Max Govers
The time has come, today PAN Amsterdam opens its doors! We sampled the atmosphere for you and took some photos to give you a taste of what to expect.
Nervous and full of curiosity we entered the art fair at exactly 12 noon. Large wide corridors, a soft carpeted floor and various works of art that immediately drew our attention upon entering. From old paintings with VOC ships that you generally only come across in history books to jewelry that you could see around the neck of a queen.
The amount of art and antiques was almost overwhelming. Everywhere you looked there was something interesting or beautiful. We decided to go first to our ''home front'', booth 130. Here ZERP (gallery) exhibited Arjan's photos but also many other impressive works of art.
There you can find several wooden creations by Rob Buelens that show fantasy-like worlds and many beautiful paintings by Saskia Boelsums, Hans Withoos and Mary A. Waters, among others. There is also a grand statue of a man suffering under the weight of a large stone made by Virgilius Moldovan.
Visit Pan Amsterdam between 14 and 21 November 2021

After looking at all these works of art extensively and having a nice chat, we continued to explore. We didn't have to walk far to find impressive art and antiques. For example, we saw several works by famous artists such as: Picasso, Mondrian and Rietveld. But also special pieces like samurai swords, unique pieces of meteorite and a gigantic fossil of a dinosaur. There is also a wide range of beautiful jewelry and crystals for the enthusiast.
At the various stands we noticed that some had a theme or atmosphere linked to the things they were exhibiting. For example, at a booth with Asian art and sculptures you have different decorations that knew how to convey the theme well. Another kind of way galleries tried to be creative with their space was by turning it into cozy living rooms.
We looked for a place to have a drink after we finished our walk. For this we went to the central bar where we had a quiet drink. There we chatted about which artworks we would like without, of course, looking at the price tag. Our final conclusion of the day was therefore that visiting PAN Amsterdam is worthwhile for everyone. For both the lover of art, antiques and design, there is something for everyone.